Family Friday – Weekend in Boise
Family Friday - Weekend in Boise - Working on catching up on all my #FamilyFriday posts with some of our fun family trips from this summer....
Family Friday - Weekend in Boise - Working on catching up on all my #FamilyFriday posts with some of our fun family trips from this summer....
When a friend questioned why I had so much funny footage of my husband, I realized that the one thing I always wanted to have was more videos of my funny dad. ...
Our new backyard addition is this fun Teeter Totter that my hubby made!...
I heard early on in my motherhood career how fast the time goes.The days are long but the years are short and to enjoy the time while we share the same home....
I hope to share goodness and love and maybe help just one person along the way. Although life (ok mine) is never (has never been) easy or perfect it is most definitely worth it! Look for the good and you will find it! ...
No more printing photos at the store and coming home and punching them out to the correct size and then gluing them on....
It's time to start planting the garden! Two of our kids were super excited to help and two weren’t. Can you guess which two?...
I like to help my kids and then I like to see what they can figure out without me....
Our secret so far, I think, is that we don’t talk about it or focus on her syndrome. ...
We had a blast at Thanksgiving Point this last weekend! If you want to be enchanted in a sea of butterflies then this is the magical place for you!...