Family Friday – High School Graduation

Family Friday - Graduation

Family Friday – High School Graduation

My oldest, Makayla, graduated from High School!

Sunday - Graduation
Loved that Dallen was there to play the drums for the graduates as Kayla led them into the gym as senior class president.

She has had an amazing four years and I’m so proud of all she has accomplished!

Sunday - Graduation
Last time singing with Bel Cantos Choir. Singing is part of who she is and I love her voice!
Makayla with Grandma and Grandpa Baker

She loves to be in involved in anything school related. In the last four years she has played tennis, been a State Champ Cheerleader, been on the student council, Leos Club President, seminary council member, in the Bel Cantos choir and select choir, and finally this year she was senior class president.

She opened the graduation ceremony and welcomed everyone with a great little pep talk to get it started!

Sunday - Graduation
Sunday - Graduation

We were able to sneak in a little dinner before at our favorite place to eat salmon, at The Drift Inn in Rupert, Idaho. It’s delicious and was the perfect place to have our family dinner. They were so great and even opened the restaurant an hour early to accommodate our group. Which meant we had the entire place to ourselves.

Sunday - Graduation

I was able to pass along the ring my mom gave to me when I graduated from High School.

Sunday - Graduation
Sunday - Graduation
Sunday - Graduation
I love that my mom was able to be there for that special experience!

I love this! I love that I was able to pass on this ring and my sweet mom had the foresight to give it to me. If you can do this, I highly recommend starting it as a tradition in your family. It was so much more meaningful, at least it was for us, than a class ring that she may never really wear again.

I could go on and on about this cute girl and her determination, love of people, happy go lucky attitude, and her gentle heart.

I heard early on in my motherhood career how fast the time goes.

The days are long but the years are short and to enjoy the time while we share the same home.

I took that to heart, especially since my dad died so young and missed out on so much of my life. I didn’t want to look back over our time together and regret that we didn’t have more time…

I have to say, I have no regrets with this kiddo. I have been lucky enough to be able to make the choice (and to sacrifice extra income by staying home) to be there for everything.

Family Friday - Graduation

And I’m so glad I was. I am so excited to see where she will go from here!

This cute little crazy red head had me worried the first five years of her life. There were days I wondered who was going to make it, me or her? Or if her little brother would survive after the cooler incident. (story for another #FamilyFriday ha!)

I’m so lucky to be her mom and we sure love you Spunky Monkey!

Family Friday - Graduation


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