21 Apr Advanced Hammer Lock Self Defense – Self Defense Saturday
If an attacker comes up behind you and wants control you they may grab one arm and twist it behind your back (hammer lock). Bully’s often use this maneuver on other kids. Today’s lesson is the Advanced Hammer Lock Self Defense.
Advanced Hammer Lock Self Defense
- With your free arm, strike backwards with a knife hand to the attacker’s groin to stun.
- Lunge forward with the foot opposite of the the hand in the hammer lock. This should straighten your locked arm, freeing you from the lock.
- If the attacker still has hold of your wrist, turn and stun with a face strike using a palm heel, then reverse the wrist grip (you’ve got me, now I’ve got you!)
- Continue with the reverse grip by using your other hand to push the attacker’s shoulder down, forcing them to bend over while keeping the grip on their wrist.
- Strike with a front kick to the attacker’s face, and get away! Call 911 and get help.
Check out M3SelfDefense.com for more self defense videos! »
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