Makeover Monday – Making the most of staying home

Makeover Monday - Making the most of staying home

Makeover Monday – Making the most of staying home

Catching up on #MakeoverMonday During Quarantine

Disclaimer: Some of this renovation took place before everything was in complete lockdown. Also, this post contains way too many pictures!! 🙂

We have been keeping ourselves busy with several projects that we have been putting off because they were going to be really disruptive to our daily life…

Quarantine already put a kink in our daily living so why not step it up a notch by redoing our entire upstairs at the same time?

Embrace the Chaos!!

Also, we decided to throw in a wedding while my entire upstairs was in complete shambles!! (Luckily not at my house!)

It was a completely messy construction zone!

We are so happy for our oldest daughter, Makayla, and our new son in law Porter McGary. The way things fell together for these two was nothing short of a miracle! Including: job offers, complete quarantine restrictions being lifted on weddings, places to live, Porter’s dad being a bishop and able to marry them, and on and on…

It was meant to be!

Our families were able to join in over zoom!
I quickly learned how to make a Bridal bouquet from 24 roses! So easy and fun!

I will say there is something so amazing about throwing caution to the wind, scrapping plans, and just going with the flow of the moment to get these two married.

These two were just so happy to be able to start their life together!! Pandemic and all!

No invites, no reception and only siblings allowed to attend the civil ceremony.

What a story they will have to tell one day…

If you’d like to support them in their new life together you can find them on Amazon here.

Now back to #makeovermonday!

Once we started ripping out our kitchen floor, there was no turning back….

Surprisingly, all kids were eager to help out… definitely a benefit of quarantine boredom!!

We started by ripping out our old kitchen flooring that also extended down the hall and through the laundry room and bathroom. The whole process was cathartic and therapeutic!

Once we were able to remove all the subfloor we had to tackle the enormous amount of staples that had been used to keep the subfloor in place. First we pounded the staples in with hammers, sledgehammers and lots of patience!

So many staples!
Complete Chaos!
During the process our washer went out and had to be replaced…
The girls figured out a trick with their skateboard that allowed them to roll along the floor and pound in the staples as they went. Much easier on the knees!
A section of carpet we needed to remove in a well used walkway.

Once the flooring was all out, we decided to quickly paint the upstairs with Benjamin Moore revere pewter before putting in the new floor.

We used the same painting trick we did back here to keep the paint from bleeding through to our textured ceiling.

Love this paint set from Costco!
Another picture of our complete mess!! Embracing the chaos!

Then our granite countertops were put in (this happened before our state was on complete lockdown).

We had been debating on what exactly we wanted for colors and this took several weeks and several samples. We had a couple set backs because certain granite was becoming unavailable and timelines were starting to change.

We decided to go with a color scheme that was in stock and could be done rather quickly. We love it!!

We replaced our sink with an undemount sink that we found on Amazon here.

Next, we started working on installing the floor…

The weekend before lock down began we had picked up 60 boxes of vinyl flooring from Costco.

closer look at our kitchen flooring that we took out.
Same spot with the updated flooring going in
walkway replaced with vinyl flooring
Our son in law porter helping out with the floor 🙂

Finally all the flooring was installed!

Backsplash and cabinet painting next!

On to painting and installing baseboards…

Caught this rainbow during our crazy month. So beautiful!

On Easter Sunday, the day after our daughter was married, our sweet Dexter passed away.

He was so very sick, and we couldn’t bare to watch him suffer any longer…

Keeping Our Family & Furry Friends Healthy For Valentines - Dexter Valentines Day
He will be missed…

It’s been a busy busy month…

More of our projects coming soon…. Here’s a sneak peak of what I’ve been working on in our bathroom

How are you all surviving the quarantine?

Crafty Wildflower Grief Journal
Tell It All Tuesday - Becoming the Crafty Wildflower
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