The Wildflower Book – Tell It All Tuesday

The Wildflower - Susan

The Wildflower Book – Tell It All Tuesday

Hello this is Brandon, I’m married to the Crafty Wildflower, Susan. I’d like to share with you how The Wildflower book was written. 

the wildflower book page

When we first met, I was immediately smitten by Susan; it was love at first sight.

But it wasn’t just her beauty and charm and humor and amazing personality that made me want to be with her in the beginning, there was another aspect of her life that really impressed me. 

After only a few weeks of dating, I learned a lot about the grief Susan and her large family had been through due to the passing of her incredible father, Jim. He had died just three years earlier at the young age of 47, and the wounds were still fresh and painful.

Jim was survived by his wife and their ten children, including Susan. They all had different reactions and trials from this heartbreak, but Susan inspired me with how she had handled it all. Susan had her share of tears and anger and sadness, but outwardly she had kept going, kept working, kept helping at home and loving and caring for her siblings. 

Susan kept a smile on her face when she wanted to cry.

She kept attending church and reading the scriptures when she really wondered why God had taken her father. Susan’s responsibilities in the home became greater, including helping her mom who was still raising eight kids. It was a sore trial and a hardship for all of them, limping along with a hole in their family.  

To this day, I really feel like The Wildflower book was inspired for Susan, and by Susan. I had always appreciated poetry and stories from high school and college, but I never considered myself an author or poet of any kind. In our first weeks of dating, you might think I would have written a love poem about our romance, but instead I found myself penning stanzas about a flower that bloomed in adversity. 

the wildflower book cover

Susan’s Story – The Wildflower Book

Another amazing thing about the book and its poem was how the lines and words just flowed onto the paper as I wrote. I thank God for the inspiration to write it down, and for giving me the words to create a piece that expressed the awe I felt about Susan’s story. 

And now, after all these years of being in love, married to, and having a beautiful family with Susan, she asked me to publish The Wildflower. Even though it started out as a very personal and private poem, Susan wanted anyone else that experienced grief, loss, trauma or burdens in their lives to be able to read the words of the story and find hope and solace in the pages.

Luckily, she’s also married to a graphic designer! I designed the book, and we published it on Amazon. I really hope that those who read it will benefit from it, and share it with others who may be struggling.

View The Wildflower

Thanks for reading,


A Note from Susan

My hope with selling this book is to use all proceeds to benefit kids and families who are grieving the loss of a parent or loved one. In the future we will have workbooks to help process grief, buy a book / donate a book program to benefit those who need help through the grieving process, and to eventually work within the health industry and school programs to help educate those who work with kids daily so they can help them deal with and process their grief in daily life. We want kids to find hope, happiness, and healing so that they may learn to live their “new normal” in a healthy way.



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