Family Friday – Rope Tree Swing

Family Friday - Rope Tree Swing

Family Friday – Rope Tree Swing

We live out in the country…

Where the chickens cross the road..

And we visit the cows down the street…

Where we burn our own trimmings in a big bonfire…

And you wear overalls in the summer…

And truck after truck of potatoes pass your house during harvest season…

Where sunsets are magical…

And you pick apples in the fall…

Someone always has a horse to pet…

You swim in the canals

And you grow your own huge garden stocked with all the freshest, yummiest veggies…

and walk and bike through the fields and along the canals…

Where fields go for miles…

and we LOVE it!! 

We have lived many, many places since my husband and I were married 20 years ago but the country has been the best place for our family for many wonderful reasons. We are so glad we moved out of our housing cubicle and into a home with some land around it. In fact our home is on the edge of a 40 acre hay field. We look out our back yard and see acres of green all summer. It’s beautiful! We call it our green ocean. Here’s some yummy pics to give you an idea of the wonderful beauty that surrounds us.

If you look passed all that green in the summer, and snow in the winter, you can see the beautiful windmills out in the distance. It’s very windy where we live in Idaho and those windmills are seldom still. They are mesmerizing to watch and beautiful when the sunset hits just right.

We have done many things to the large yard.

By far my favorite thing we added last summer was our large, simple, wooden swing. 

It’s even beautiful in the winter!

It has been the most adorable thing to witness all of my kids go out and sit in the swing to think, or simply spend time swinging and staring at the green ocean that surrounds us.

They are seldom alone for long though because once one person sits in the swing inevitably someone else will follow…

We made the swing big enough for two people. I have witnessed so many cute discussions and giggles take place between my children, all because of a swing. I have a vast amount of pictures that I’ve snuck through the back window to capture the cute moments between my kids and friends spending time in the swing. Here are just some of them…

Family Friday - Rope Tree Swing

Caught these cuties out there a couple times?

I’m not ready for her to grow up just yet…

You’d think we don’t have a swing set but we do and it is never played with but the big swing is used almost every day during the summer. 

I love that it’s big enough for my husband and I to sit and swing together….we can really get that rope tree swing going where the tippy top of our shoes graze the branches and my kids just erupt with giggles to see us spending time together in that way. They’ve snuck a couple of their own pictures of us to keep…

But my absolute favorite, for a different reason, is that my big cute teenage boy, will find his mama outside on the swing and come join her. And for a few moments he’s my little boy again. He’s my only boy and man I sure do cherish that kid and his tender heart. I’m glad he will still find a few moments to spend with me, especially now that I’m not the coolest lady in his life 😉

We’ve had some great discussions out there in that swing. And sometimes we don’t talk at all. We just take in the view…

I hope it’s something they’ll always remember.



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