Makeover Monday – Laundry Room Sneak Peak

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak

Makeover Monday – Laundry Room Sneak Peak

We are working hard on our laundry room makeover and today I’m going to give you a sneak peak of where we are at.

First, let me show you where my inspiration came from with a couple pictures I found on Pinterest.

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak

And here’s where we started with the laundry room.

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
Not the best picture but you get the idea. Also notice they many cabinets!
You can also check out all that wallpaper that is going to need to come down.

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
Cabinet above the washer and dryer.

After removing so much wallpaper in the dining and master bedroom and bathroom, I couldn’t bring myself to start with that part of the project first.

Instead I started experimenting with paint on the cabinets.

I debated on whether or not to paint the cabinets in the laundry room. There are quite a few, and if it were up to just me, we would get rid of one whole wall of them and put in a custom bench with baskets for shoes and hooks on the wall for backpack and coats. Something similar to this.

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak

However, my hubby loves the cabinets and isn’t ready to get rid of them yet, so for now they stay. I would love to repurpose them to use as linen storage in a basement bathroom when we get to that someday…

Back to the laundry room.

I loved the idea of a cool blue or a nice warm mint color for the cabinets. So, that’s what we are up to today. Getting these cabinets finished up. I’ve been working on them on and off for several months when life has moments of less chaos.

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
One row complete! This washer and dryer came with the house. I left my brand new pair in Az when we moved. I have to say I’m a fan of top load washers though! Thinking I’ll stick with those when this one gives out.

We also decided to experiment with painting the countertops in the laundry room to give it a fresh updated look with out a lot of hassle.

After lots of research we hired a company to come out and resurface the countertops with several coats of professional, durable counter resurfacing product. I love how they turned out.

This is what they looked like before.

Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
Makeover Monday - Laundry room sneak peak
Here they are after.

We plan to remove the wallpaper and paint the walls a light greige color like we’ve used in other parts of the house and replace the flooring or I might give stenciling the floor a try if the hubs is on board.

For now, it’s paint, paint, and more paint on the cabinets plus a good coat of sealant and then some more paint on the walls.

Looking forward to showing you our finished product soon!!


The Wildflower

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