? Hope Chest Makeover Monday and FREE Digital Download ?

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

? Hope Chest Makeover Monday and FREE Digital Download ?

This week I gave my old Hope Chest a new look!

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

I was given this cedar chest for Christmas when I was 14, it was the Christmas just before my dad died.

I have always kept it at my moms house because we’ve moved around several times since Brandon and I have been married. I was worried it would get damaged in one of the moves.

Every time we’d visit I’d think, I wish I had room to take that home.

About 20 years passed…

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

This last weekend we visited my mom for Spring Break. And I had room to bring it home!!!

I was so excited!!

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

There were some fun treasures inside like my old Cabbage patch doll and my Care Bear.

I had to explain to my girls the excitement of receiving a Cabbage Patch doll on Christmas morning.

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

The hubs and I got a kick out of the fact that my Cabbage Patch doll had red hair and had been tucked away in my hope chest for 25 years. And now we have 3 beautiful red haired girls. Kind of ironic!! ?

I was excited to dive in and get started on this project!

First, I painted the cedar chest a beautiful teal color. I found this chalk paint at my local Walmart. Here’s a picture of the brand and color.

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

It was so easy to paint!! Just pick a color and get started. I LOVE chalk paint for this reason!

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

After I had painted two coats of chalk paint I added some dark stain and some cream colored paint to give it a distressed look.

Then I added some wax to seal in the rich yummy colors.

I found some mustard yellow fabric to cover the light blue and pink flower cushion on the top.

I don’t know how to reapolster furniture at all so I just stapled the fabric over the top and it seems to work just fine.

It took me and the hubs both to pull it tight and keep it in the right position, while the other one shot the staples in.

Last I added some cute knobs that I repurposed from another project.

Hope Chest Makeover Monday And FREE Digital Download

I love how it turned out!

I love that I finally get to have it at my house and I was able to update it so easily.

If you haven’t used chalk paint yet,give it a try! It’s such an easy way to update any furniture!!

Okay, now for the FREE Digital Download!

I love this Digital Download and I think you will too. Enter you email address here and it will show up in your inbox with no strings attached just free for you to decorate and use as you choose!

I printed it out and put it over our bed here.

If you’d like me to print and ship one to you contact me at support@craftywildflower.com



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