06 Feb Happy Valentines Day from Logan
Meet Logan! He is our 8 year old miniature labradoodle.
Shop Valentine Scarves for DogsLogan joined our family at the height of our chaos back in 2011. My youngest daughter Allie was 18 months old and had just been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, hyper-mobility type. She was in a lot of pain. At least we think she was. She cried constantly, she couldn’t walk and was delayed in her speech which meant she screamed. A LOT.
We taught her sign language which helped until she was able to communicate a little better, and we had a physical, speech and occupational therapists visit our home to work with her several times a week, but most days I carried her everywhere we went. Except we didn’t go many places because she screamed in her car seat because it pushed on her bones, she cried in her stroller and could only handle sitting in a shopping cart for 10 minutes at a time before the pain would set in and the crying ensued.

Logan Loves Holidays ~ Especially Valentines Day!
We needed a distraction for her and quite frankly for me too. I did an enormous amount of research on the best types of dogs to be used as service dogs thinking we could train whichever dog we were able to afford to be a service dog for Allie. Service dogs are expensive to buy and even more expensive to train. We needed something sooner than any of the organizations could provide.
So after lots and lots of research we settled on a miniature labradoodle. My sister had had one and he had always been the best dog. We liked that they are bred to be hypoallergenic and being a miniature labradoodle meant he would only grow to be about 25 pounds. Just the right size for our family. He is a gentle soul and we are so happy to have him in our lives.

He was easy to train, obeys well and does the job of emotional support around here. He sleeps with our daughter and keeps her anxiety in check at night. He watches out for her when she plays in the yard and alerts us to anything out of the ordinary. He’s a blessing to us and is the best sport. He even puts up with us posing him for valentine photos! He’s the best!?
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